PCB Prototyping, Simulation and Testing
PCB Prototyping, Simulation and Testing
Our PCB prototyping, simulation and testing service is just one vital part of our “concept to manufacture” design and development service. PCB prototyping, simulation and testing is one of our most fundamental provisions. Unlike some companies, sub-contracting this part of the process is something we just don’t do. Some of our clients are more than happy to follow our design progress by simply viewing the schematic files and the 3D PDF file of the PCB (the 3D PDF file is a photo-realistic representation of the final product). However, the first physical version of your product will emerge in our secure UK-based production department, and you can be on hand to see it, if you so desire. Next, rigorous testing is undertaken by our engineers, plus any necessary design and layout modifications can also be made. More testing for certification purposes will follow this, and testing for any required environmental standards.
Another aspect of the PCB prototyping phase is the circuit simulation (or sub-circuits) even before being committed to PCB. This eliminates much of the technical risk before you incur major costs. (In the case of new products, this can be especially important.) Examples of circuit simulations done for customers include; switched mode power supplies, op-amp circuits, LED drivers, isolated transformer based power supplies.
Thermal Imaging:
A good deal of valuable information can be derived from these simulations that could not easily be measured elsewhere. For example, data relating to power requirements, temperature hot-spots, voltage spikes and control loop values. A valuable part of the prototype testing provided by us is thermal imaging of operational circuits. We use this to verify that designs are correct and that circuits are not exceeding designed temperature maximums. Additionally, we are able to provide a complete thermal report with images. If you need more information about this service, please ask one of the team.